

A Single Image Dehazing Technique Using the Dual Transmission Maps Strategy and Gradient-Domain Guided Image Filtering

IEEE Access, Volume 9, 2021

S. M. Ehsan, M. Imran, A. Ullah, and E. Elbasi

A novel multimodality anatomical image fusion method based on contrast and structure extraction

International Journal of Imaging Systems and Technology, 2021

• A. Sufyan, M. Imran, S. A. Shah, H. Shahwani, and A. A. Wadood


Motion Planning for a Snake Robot using Double Deep Q-Learning

IEEE International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2021

S. N. Khan, T. Mahmood, S. Izzat Ullah, and A. Baloch

Wall-distance Measurement for Indoor Mobile Robots

World Conference on Smart Trends in Systems, Security and Sustainability, 2021

Z. Nadeem, H. Nadeem, M. Jamil, and A. Ullah